7 Dicembre 2022

10 mistakes not to be made on the cycling rollers

Winter arrives and the impossibility of being able to train on the street in the open air after work disappears due to the little light available. To keep constantly active all the progress made during the summer season, smart or classic rollers come in handy.

However, there are a number of mistakes that can easily be made, leading to unpleasant consequences. We have found 10 that could help you improve your training at home.

  1. Do not ride for more than two hours. Too intense and prolonged training could cause us to lose too much liquid and cause overtraining (yes, you can run into roller overtraining).
  2. Hydrating well is very important. During an intense session you can lose up to 2 liters of fluids that need to be reintegrated. Always keep a bottle of still water close at hand.
  3. We try not to train in a too hot environment, if possible ventilate the environment before and during the training session.
  4. Even too cold is not good. If we train in cold and unheated areas such as garages and cellars, bring a shirt to wear as soon as the training session is over.
  5. Program. Programming is important. You can train every day, the important thing is to give enough space to active recovery. When planning, alternate intense sessions with milder ones.
  6. Always clean your bike and the floor after a training session. Even if it is not related to your health, life as a couple and your bicycle will be safe. The large amount of salt that we will lose could affect and decrease the life of the bicycle. A clean with Pulisuper active foam can preserve the bike and the components in a rapid and certain decline. Your wallet thanks you.
  7. Use a mat to put under your bike. It is useful to partially prevent the six point and it is also soundproofing. Your neighbors will be happy.
  8. Make sure the bike is mounted correctly. It may seem trivial but falling off the roller is dangerous as well as embarrassing.
  9. Don’t imitate Laurens de Vreese, 369 km on rollers is for pros and crazy. They won’t give you a better workout, better few but done right.
  10. Have fun, it’s not a duty, you’re not a pro paid to ride a bike, if you don’t feel like training with rollers that day it means you don’t have to train.
About Donald