
We support Pietro Franzese in raising funds for the environment

Less plastic. This is our claim chosen to accompany Pietro Franzese on his personal journey of 6000 km and 25,000 meters in altitude that separate San Francisco from Miami. Pietro’s goal is to raise funds in support of the Plastic Free association. During the trip Pietro Franzese and Emiliano Fava will document their adventure and […]


How to dress in winter by bike

Have you just received a beautiful bicycle as a Christmas present and are you struggling with the first problems related to winter clothing? Well, if in summer the imperative is to use very breathable and light clothes, in winter things get slightly more complicated. One of the first two problems we might encounter while indoors […]


What supplements to use during cycling training?

We often see cyclists taking too many supplements during the training session. Knowing how to integrate in the best possible way allows us to sustain better performances and allows us to recover the energy lost and spent even in the very short term. In this interesting article we will best explain when to take gels […]


10 mistakes not to be made on the cycling rollers

Winter arrives and the impossibility of being able to train on the street in the open air after work disappears due to the little light available. To keep constantly active all the progress made during the summer season, smart or classic rollers come in handy. However, there are a number of mistakes that can easily […]


How to regain the desire to pedal?

It happens to everyone, sooner or later, to lose the desire to pedal. It comes when you least expect it and can be due to several external causes. How can we find the motivation that drives us to grind kilometers? First of all, what drives us to pedal is the expression of the reasons that […]


How to avoid punctures on a racing bike

E’ una delle situazioni più spiacevoli che ci possono capitare durante un giro in bicicletta soprattutto se siamo lontani da casa.  Proprio per questo motivo è sempre utile avere un kit ripara gomme come la nostra bomboletta “gonfia e ripara” Air Latex nella tasca posteriore della jersey. Ma è veramente possibile diminuire il rischio di foratura con […]


Can ebike and car wash go together? Here’s what we think.

We often see cyclists washing their e-bikes at the car wash after a long day of fun with friends. But is it correct or are there any contraindications that can irreparably damage the bicycle? Well, it can be done but with due care. Here are some of our tips that may be useful to you. […]


10 reasons why you should ride a bike.

Surely each of us will have had the fateful question at least once in our cycling career: But what drives you to ride a bicycle? We at Sprayke, passionate cyclists, asked ourselves just that. Together with all the members of our team we have drawn up a series of reasons that could inspire even those […]


How to choose the handlebar width of a racing bike?

If we are looking for a component for our most performing bicycle that is able to “file” some weight, one of the first parts to replace will be the handlebar. But are we sure that the size mounted on our bicycle is suitable for us? The choice of the handlebar is in fact closely linked […]


How did the idea of ​​creating Sprayke come about?

Sprayke is a brand that is making its way among the many competitors on the world market. The difference lies in the quality of the product and its realization. Every single product, unlike what happens in many companies, is entirely created at Siliconi Spa di Vicenza, headquarters where the idea was born. Siliconi Spa is […]
