9 Maggio 2024

How to combat tinnitus with cycling

Who among you has never experienced that annoying buzzing or ringing sensation in the ear that is continuous and persistent? If you have, then you too are certainly prone to tinnitus. The symptom can last for a few minutes, or in the worst cases it can continue for months or even years.  

Unfortunately, it is a very common situation that affects around 750 million people worldwide. It can be an irreversible condition, or, if we can identify the triggering problem, it can be resolved. 

Tinnitus is therefore a complex condition and can be influenced by various factors, including stress, anxiety and even lifestyle. Some people have experienced an improvement in their symptoms through regular exercise, such as cycling.

Cycling can be a relaxing activity and a way to reduce stress, which can in turn contribute to better tinnitus management. In addition, exercise can promote better blood circulation, which may have a positive effect on the health of the inner ear, where tinnitus often originates.

How to combat tinnitus with cycling?

Cycling can definitely help combat tinnitus or at least alleviate that annoying sensation, here’s why:

  • Reduction of stress and anxiety: Cycling can be a relaxing activity that allows you to focus on the movement of your body and your surroundings, thus reducing stress and anxiety that can contribute to the aggravation of tinnitus.
  • Improved cardiovascular health: Cycling is an excellent aerobic exercise that can improve cardiovascular health and blood circulation. Improved circulation can have a positive impact on the health of the inner ear, where tinnitus often originates.
  • Distraction: strenuous physical activity such as cycling can distract from the tinnitus sound, allowing people to focus on other sensations and thoughts during the activity.
  • Sleep promotion: Regular cycling can promote better sleep, which is important as lack of sleep can exacerbate tinnitus symptoms. Adequate sleep can also help reduce stress and improve tinnitus management.
  • Active lifestyle: Maintaining an active lifestyle can contribute to general health and well-being, which can positively influence tinnitus management.

However, it is important to consult your doctor before starting any new exercise regime, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition, including hearing problems such as tinnitus. A doctor can provide personalised advice on managing tinnitus and adapting exercise to individual needs.

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