19 Maggio 2024

How to lose weight by cycling.

First of all, we must clarify one thing. In order to lose weight, we absolutely must create a condition in which our body has a calorie deficit.

What is the calorie deficit?

Calorie deficit is a key concept for losing body fat. It refers to the process in which you consume more calories than you take in, thus creating an energy deficit in the body. When you are in a caloric deficit, the body starts using fat reserves to compensate for the energy deficit, leading to weight loss, including body fat.

This is why, in addition to following a diet by a good nutritionist, exercise, especially cycling, can help with this energy deficit.

How can I lose weight through cycling?

  • Losing fat through cycling can be effective if you follow a few key strategies. Here are some suggestions:
  • Increase the intensity: High-intensity training can burn more calories during and after the activity. Experiment with high-intensity intervals during your cycling sessions. For example, alternate periods of vigorous cycling with lighter recovery periods.
  • Lengthen the duration: Increasing the duration of your cycling sessions can help you burn more calories overall. Try to gradually extend the time you spend in the saddle, either by increasing the length of your rides or by adding more cycling sessions to your weekly routine.
  • Exercise regularly: To achieve significant results, it is important to be consistent in your training. Try to exercise regularly, ideally at least 3-4 times a week.
  • Balance your diet: Although cycling burns a lot of calories, it is also important to follow a healthy, balanced diet to lose fat effectively. Make sure you consume enough protein to maintain muscle, reduce your intake of foods high in sugar and saturated fat, and increase your consumption of fruit, vegetables and whole-grain foods.
  • Hydration: Make sure you drink enough water during and after cycling to keep your body hydrated. Adequate hydration can help optimise performance and boost fat metabolism.
  • Rest and recovery: Make sure you give your body time to rest and recover properly after training. Rest is essential to allow your body to adapt to the stresses of exercise and promote fat loss.
  • Vary your training: To avoid adaptation and maximise results, try to vary your cycling training. Alternate between endurance, speed and interval sessions to stimulate different energy and muscle systems.
  • Monitor progress: Keep track of your training and progress over time. This will help you maintain motivation and make any changes to your training routine or diet if necessary.
  • Remember that fat loss takes time, commitment and consistency. Be patient and consistent in your efforts, and you will see results over time.
  • Ultimately, cycling can be an effective way to burn calories and promote fat loss when combined with a healthy, balanced diet.

Help yourself with several free apps.

There are apps that can help us keep track of our calorie deficit.
One of the best known is MyFitnessPal, or a good alternative is Yazio.
If we connect it to a smartwatch or bike gps of any brand, it will directly subtract the calories burned from our workout. Convenient, no?

A very important recommendation is to have yourself followed by a good doctor or nutritionist biologist who, after the necessary analyses, will create the correct diet according to your needs.

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