10 Luglio 2024

How to prepare for a granfondo cycling race?

Preparing for a granfondo race, especially if it is your first experience, requires a combination of physical training, mental preparation, and equipment care. Here is a detailed guide on how to prepare

  1. Training planning
    A. Long-term training
    Aerobic base: Start with low-intensity training to build a solid aerobic base. This includes long runs at a comfortable pace.
    Progression: Gradually increase the duration and intensity of your outings by adding interval and hill training sessions.
    Variety: Alternate between endurance, strength, speed and active recovery training.
    B. Specific training
    Long rides: Carry out rides that simulate the distance and terrain of a granfondo. Progressively increase the distance of your long rides.
    Intervals: Enter high-intensity interval sessions to improve your anaerobic capacity and fatigue tolerance.
    Recovery: Don’t neglect recovery days. They are essential to allow your body to regenerate and prevent injuries.
  2. Nutrition and hydration
    A. During training
    Pre-exit nutrition: Eat complex carbohydrates 2-3 hours before training.
    During the outing: Eat easy-to-digest carbohydrates (such as gels or energy bars) every 45 minutes or so.
    Hydration: Drink regularly, preferably a combination of water and electrolyte drinks.
    B. General nutrition
    Balanced diet: Maintain a balanced diet rich in carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals.
    Post-workout recovery: After exercise, consume a combination of protein and carbohydrates to promote muscle recovery.
  3. Mental preparation
    Visualisation: Imagine the race, visualising yourself successfully tackling the different moments of the granfondo.
    Realistic goals: Set realistic and measurable goals to maintain motivation.
    Relaxation techniques: Learn breathing and meditation techniques to manage pre-race anxiety.
  4. Equipment care
    Bike: Make sure your bike is in perfect condition. Do a complete check (brakes, gearbox, chain, tyres) at least a week before the race.
    Clothing: Choose clothing suitable for the expected weather conditions. Try on all clothing during training to avoid surprises.
    Accessories: Bring all necessary accessories with you (pump, spare inner tubes, multi-purpose tools).
  5. Pre-race planning
    Route: Study the race route to be aware of climbs, descents and refuelling points.
    Logistics: Organise everything you need for race day (registration, travel, accommodation if necessary).
    Rest: Sleep well in the days leading up to the race. Try to relax and avoid unnecessary stress.
  6. Race day
    Breakfast: Eat a carbohydrate-rich, easy-to-digest breakfast 2-3 hours before the race.
    Warm-up: Do a proper warm-up to prepare your muscles and mind for the competition.
    Race management: Keep a steady pace and try not to overdo it in the first few kilometres. Manage your energy and hydrate regularly.
    By following these tips, you will be well prepared for a granfondo race.
    It is always very important, in order not to leave anything to chance, to be followed by a good sports nutritionist and an athletic trainer, who in agreement with each other will know how best to guide you to the big race day.
    The granfondo: a challenge against yourself.
    Always remember, cycling is fun and the granfondo is a challenge against yourself. Think about your physical condition at the start and focus on the finish, it will never be a defeat, even if your name is at the bottom of the general classification.
    Be positive!
About Donald