30 Ottobre 2023

What to train to ride a bicycle stronger?

When it comes to improving one’s cycling performance what we will need to improve is the quality of our training. But what do we need to train if we want to get better results and go stronger on a bicycle?
First you need to focus on specific training that improves your endurance and power. Here are some key aspects to train:

  1. Aerobic training:
    Aerobic training is key to improving your endurance. This type of training allows you to pedal for a long time without overexerting yourself. You can do aerobic workouts at different intensities, but it is important to include prolonged, steady-paced endurance sessions to improve your ability to cover long distances.
  2. Interval training:
    Interval workouts are useful for improving your power and responsiveness. This type of training involves alternating short bursts of high-intensity effort with periods of active or complete recovery. You can experiment with various interval protocols, such as sprints or Tabata training.
  3. Strength:
    Strength training is essential for improving leg power and endurance. Weight-bearing leg exercises, such as squats and lunges, can help you develop the strength you need to push the pedals with more power. In addition, working on core and upper limb strength can improve your stability on the bike.
  4. Uphill training:
    If you have the opportunity to train on steep climbs or hills, do it. Uphill training will help you improve your power and endurance, as well as develop leg strength. Uphill climbs are an effective way to test your fitness.
  5. Pedaling technique:
    Proper pedaling technique is important for optimizing efficiency and power. Make sure you learn to pedal evenly and without wasting energy. Proper hand placement on the handlebars and smooth pedal rotation are critical. One trick to improve pedaling roundness is to do workouts on rollers with alternating legs. In this way you will feel improved pedaling control both in traction and during pushing.
  6. Nutrition and hydration:
    Nutrition is the fundamental basis for all sports. If we eat poorly, our bodies will have poor quality fuel available. Keep a balanced diet and be sure to hydrate properly before, during and after training. Your body needs carbohydrates, protein, fat and fluids to sustain intense cycling activity.
  7. Rest and recovery:
    Rest is also training. Rest is important to allow your body to recover and adapt to training. Make sure you have a good balance between exercise and rest to avoid overtraining.
  8. Performance tracking:
    Keep track of your performance, such as times, distances and heart rate. This will allow you to assess your progress and adjust your training accordingly.

Regular and consistent training is critical to improving your cycling. Be sure to vary your training sessions and set specific goals to see results. Also, if you are new to training or have ambitious goals, consider consulting a cycling coach or cycling expert for personalized guidance.

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