9 Novembre 2023

How do you lubricate your bicycle chain?

Lubricating the chain may seem like a simple task in many respects, but it can in some cases,get complicated if you do not perform all the procedures correctly.  

What do we need to have to lubricate the bicycle chain?

Materials needed:

  • Specific lubricating oil for bicycle chains such as our Lube 1 or Lube 2.
  • Clean cloth.
  • Soft bristle brush or brush.


Cleaning the chain: Before lubricating the chain, it is a good practice to clean it to remove dirt and previously used oil. You can do this by using a soft bristle brush or brush to gently scrub the chain as you slowly spin it. You can use our Super Cleaner, for example, which is great for both degreasing the frame and all parts of the bicycle, including the chain.

Position the bike: Lift the back of the bike or place it on a bike stand so that the chain is easily accessible.

Apply the lubricant: Shake the bottle of chain lubricant well before using it. Apply the lube drop by drop to the chain while slowly spinning the pedals clockwise with one hand and holding the lube bottle with the other. Be sure to apply lubricant to every link on the chain. Avoid putting too much lubricant, as it can attract excess dirt.

Even distribution: After applying the lubricant, keep spinning the pedals so that the lubricant can penetrate the links and the inside of the chain. This helps distribute the lubricant evenly throughout the chain.

Wait time: Let the lubricant sit for a few minutes. This will allow the lubricant to penetrate and provide better protection.

Remove excess lubricant: Using a clean cloth, carefully remove excess lubricant from the chain. Make sure the chain is dry to the touch and that there are no visible drops of lubricant. This will prevent excess lubricant from attracting dirt.

Check chain tension: Before resuming riding, check chain tension. A chain that is too tight or too loose can cause shifting problems and reduce efficiency.

It is important to note that using a specific lubricant for bike chains is critical, as these lubricants are designed to withstand specific riding conditions and climate. Regular chain lubrication will help keep your bicycle running efficiently and extend the life of the chain.

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