14 Agosto 2023

How do you organise a multi-day cycling trip?

How many of us, with the arrival of fine weather and holidays, have thought about getting organised and setting off on a long or short trip on our bikes?

It is an idea that appeals to many people and requires careful planning in advance to avoid facing small or large unforeseen events on our route.

Preparing for a cycling trip therefore requires a lot of attention to various aspects, including physical training, equipment, planning and safety, points that should not be underestimated.

Here are some steps to follow for thorough preparation:

Physical training: Make sure you are in good physical shape to face the journey. Prepare your body for the constant load and aerobic activity required during cycling. Make regular cycling trips to increase endurance and improve leg strength.

Equipment: Check that your bicycle is in top condition. Perform a complete overhaul, lubricating moving parts and replacing damaged components. Make sure the bike is suitable for the type of terrain you will tackle. Carry a repair kit including tools, puncture kits and emergency parts.

Clothing and protection: Wear clothing suitable for cycling, such as padded shorts, breathable jerseys and gloves. Don’t forget a protective helmet, sunglasses to protect your eyes and appropriate cycling shoes.

Route planning: Determine the route of the trip, dividing it into daily stages. Choose roads with cycle lanes or low-traffic roads and identify points of interest along the way. Plan rest stops and overnight stops.

Accommodation and food: Plan where you will stay during the trip. This could be in hotels, hostels, campsites or other facilities. Take along enough food and water for the daily stages, making sure you have access to sources of supply along the way.

Health and safety: Consult a doctor before your trip to make sure you are in good health. Carry a first aid kit containing dressings, antihistamines and other essential medicines. Protect yourself from sunlight with sunscreen and wear suitable clothing to protect you from your surroundings.

Communication and documents: Carry important documents such as identity cards, health insurance and payment cards. Make sure your mobile phone is charged and working for emergencies. Share your travel plan with friends or family so they know where you are.

Technical training: If you are not already an expert in doing basic bike repairs, take the time to learn how to change an inner tube, adjust brakes and gears. This will help you deal with minor problems during the trip.

Load test: Before departure, do a load test on the bicycle with all the equipment you plan to bring. This will help you assess how the bike performs with the additional weight and allow you to make any necessary adjustments.

Keep flexible: Even with careful planning, unforeseen events can occur. Keep a flexible mindset to deal with any changes in planning, adverse weather conditions or other unexpected situations.

Preparing for a cycling trip takes time and dedication, but careful planning will help ensure a rewarding and smooth experience.

About Donald