17 Novembre 2023

Improving leg strength is crucial for better performance in cycling.

Strength is something that is almost always overlooked by the amateur cyclist but is critically important if we want to improve our performance.

Here are some strategies for developing leg strength:

1. Resistance training:

Weight training: Include exercises such as squats, leg presses and deadlifts in your training routine. Focus on a moderate number of repetitions with heavier weights to promote strength development. Keep adequate recovery between sets.

2. Unilateral exercises:

Address muscle imbalances: Integrate exercises that involve one leg at a time, such as the Bulgarian squat or unilateral leg extension (one leg at a time), to address any muscle imbalances. It may happen that our muscles during long runs have been subjected to imbalance between one leg and the other. To better understand the imbalance, it is very useful to install a power meter on both cranks.

3. Uphill training:

Repeated climbs: Integrate repeated climbing sessions during your bike ride to work specifically on the muscles involved in climbs. This type of training can better simulate the conditions of uphill cycling.

4. High-intensity training:

Interval training: High-intensity training, such as cycling sprint intervals or using the Tabata method, can help improve leg strength and endurance; consider sports such as crossfit during winter time.

5. Plyometric exercises:

   – Plyometric boxes, jumping jacks and jumps: Plyometric exercises can improve muscle power and responsiveness. For example, jump up and down from a box or perform explosive sprints with standing starts.

6. Running uphill and walking downhill:

Hill run: If possible, run uphill to engage different muscle groups and increase leg strength.

Downhill walking: Walk down a hill quickly to engage muscles in different ways and improve eccentric strength.

7. Yoga and dynamic stretching for recovery and lengthening:

Yoga for cyclists: Includes yoga exercises that focus on the legs, such as warrior positions, to improve flexibility and reduce muscle stiffness.

8. Adequate nutrition:

Protein and carbohydrates: Be sure to consume a balanced diet that includes enough protein and carbohydrates to support muscle repair and growth.

9. Rest and recovery:

Quality sleep: Recovery occurs primarily during sleep. Make sure you get enough sleep to allow your body to recover effectively. Without adequate recovery, there will be no weight gain and therefore improvements on strength.

10. Volume and progression:

Gradual Progression: Gradually increase the intensity and volume of your training to avoid injury and promote sustainable muscle growth over time.

Remember that it is important to tailor your workout routine to your needs and fitness level. If you have concerns about your health or workout regimen, consult a fitness professional or sports specialist.

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